You have questions, need advice or want whitecane. test our products?
In German-speaking countries, the following contact persons are available to answer your questions about our products or test opportunities. In addition, they assist with the reimbursement of our aids with the cost bearers.
Institute for Rehabilitation and Integration of the Visually Impaired
Marschnerstraße 26
22081 Hamburg, Germany
T +49 40 2293026
E in**@ir**********.org
Deutscher Hilfsmittelvertrieb gem. GmbH
Bleekstraße 26
30559 Hannover, Germany
T +49 511 954650
E in**@de**************************.de
Biegenstraße 27
35037 Marburg, Germany
T +49 6421 3895380
E in**@ga************.de
Schweizerischer Zentralverband für das Blindenwesen
Schützengasse 4
9001 St. Gallen
T +41 71 2233636
E se*********@sz*****.ch
You are interested in whitecane. products as a rehabilitation teacher?
We are available as a contact for certified rehabilitation teachers. If you have any questions about our products, test options and acceptance conditions, please contact us directly via the contact form.
As a centre for the blind, specialist or wholesaler, you would like to become a sales partner for whitecane. products?
Feel free to contact us directly via the contact form to discuss individual opportunities for cooperation. We look forward to hearing from you.
Would you like to place an order?
Our sales partners accept orders from the respective countries by e-mail or telephone. Furthermore, our online shop is available to you around the clock.